Tere Metallo


Tere Metallo was the eldest daughter and heir to the ClanRing. Before she could take over leadership of the MotherClan Tere was sold into slavery by a jealous sister. She was rescued by the Corellian smuggler Bek Nataal, who she worked for seven years afterward. He taught her everything to know about piloting, smuggling, and the underworld.

After Bek was killed by Imperial inspectors, Tere was taken into custody and tortured by her captors. She managed to escaped and made her way to Corellia. She began repairing freighters to earn credits and eventually saved enough to buy her own ship, the Suwantek Systems TL-1800 freighter Star Quest.

Metallo was on Tatooine in a cantina playing sabacc when she played against Matt Turhaya. He put his brother's shop up as credit, but lost the game. Once learning he was not a partner and didn't have the right to bet the business, she took Matt on as her co-pilot and mechanic so he could repay his debt of 150,000 credits. For several months she worked Matt hard and came to appreciate his skills. On Kabaira, she joined Matt at the Drayhar's Cantina and had him sit in a sabacc game with some of the locals and free traders. When an Imperial lieutenant and some stormtroopers arrived, she left the game but stopped when her copilot was questioned by the officer. They left the cantina and headed back to their ship. Metallo asked Turhaya why the officer was interested in him, and he let her know that he was a deserter from the Imperial Navy. As Metallo returned to her ship, she was startled by a nearby explosion. She and Turhaya hurried to board their ship and leave the planet before it was locked down by the Imperials. She knew there was Rebel activity on the planet and feared that the Empire would come down hard on the locals. Before they could leave, she heard a crash and went to investigate. She discovered her friend Del Hunter, who was injured. She brought him onboard and started to tend to his wounds. When an Imperial patrol showed up, she hid the rebel in a hidden compartment and went to greet the stormtroopers. The lieutenant with them recognized Turhaya and had him incapacitated and arrested. Metallo allowed the group to search her ship but was unable to prevent the Imperials from taking Turhaya.

After the Imperials left, she proceeded to treat Hunter's wounds, and updated him on the status of the Rebel cell. They decided to break their colleagues out of jail. Under the ruse of a medical emergency, Metallo and the rebels gained access to the prison and rescued their friends. As they fled, they were stopped by a group of stormtroopers. The group of rebels shot the stormtroopers and continued their trip to docking bay 10 where Metallos promised them passage off of Kabaira. During the trip, one of the rebels revealed that he was a spy and attempted to shoot Metallos, but Turhaya jumped in front of the blast. Metallos shot the spy Blaide and proceeded to her starship. She was able to elude a flight of Z-95 Headhunters and escape with the surviving members of the Rebel cell.







