The Tetsu Clan, alternatively known as the Tetsus, was a clan of Rodians from the planet Rodia. They were forced to flee the planet when Navik the Red ordered his own Chattza Clan to exterminate them. Fleeing first to Rodia's moon Enak, Navik's killers eventually tracked them down, killing a number and dispersing the rest. A group moved to Nar Shaddaa to hide in the densely populated underworld.
The most notable member of the Clan was the infamous bounty hunter Greedo, killed by Han Solo. It also included his cousin Beedo and his uncle Avaro Sookcool.
In both The Essential Guide to Characters and The New Essential Guide to Characters, the singular form of "Tetsu" was spelled as "Tetsus."
- The Essential Guide to Characters
- Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
- Shadows of the Empire Planets Guide
- Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition
- The New Essential Guide to Characters
- Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 1
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Legacy Era Campaign Guide