
Thannt was a terrestrial astronomical object where a biofarm was based. At some point between 0 BBY and around 1 ABY, the notorious doctor and smuggler Cornelius Evazan infiltrated the biofarm and stole a pluripleq, a bioengineered creature with shape-shifting abilities which he used to pose as a shapeshifter named "Lopset Yas." The vigilante Tam Posla, who was hunting Evazan, learned of the infiltration on Thannt but eventually lost the doctor's trail for a month. Posla concluded that his target was either dead or imprisoned; all the while Evazan was under his pluripleq-induced identity aboard the wreckage-prison Accresker Jail.

Thannt was first mentioned in the twenty-second issue of the 2016 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. The issue was written by Simon Spurrier and published by Marvel Comics on July 25, 2018.

Behind the scenes

Thannt was first mentioned in the twenty-second issue of the 2016 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. The issue was written by Simon Spurrier and published by Marvel Comics on July 25, 2018.






