In the Gungan city of Otoh Gunga, Chef Brass Marshoo catches Jar Jar Binks in the kitchen trying to scavenge leftovers. Marshoo prepares to punch Jar Jar just as Captain Roos Tarpals comes in to arrest Jar Jar for the very same thing. He puts the handcuffs on Jar Jar and takes him away. Soon after, Tarpals tells Jar Jar that everyone down at the station is calling him "The Death of Captain Tarpals." Suddenly, Tarpals is ambushed by Marshoo and some of his friends, who prepare to beat down Jar Jar as they'd planned. They throw a frying pan at Jar Jar, but he ducks, and it goes flying into his kaadu, who retaliates with a kick to Marshoo, sending him and his cohorts into a small fountain. Jar Jar revives Tarpals, and asks to be released after taking care of Marshoo. Roos ignores him and takes him to the surface of Naboo, where he shall live for a long time to come.
- Star Wars Tales Volume 1
- Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith Vol. 2
- Star Wars Legends: Rise of the Sith Omnibus