The Growing Green Danger

Official description

Nubs plants a seed that grows out of control.

A botany lesson

On the garden world of Langsha-Raang, Nubs and other Jedi Initiates are attending a botany class which involves tending to plants. Nubs waters a , winning the praise of the orange-skinned alien teacher Varish, who remarks about his affinity for plants. Nubs' friends Lys Solay and Kai Brightstar are also present. Brightstar tells Varish that Nubs was excited about coming to Landsha-Raang while Solay talks about Nub's love for plants. Before the younglings can return home, Varish tells them that she has one final lesson and asks Nubs to come to the front to demonstrate.

She explains that each plant is different and has different things for keeping them healthy. She tells them that it is important for them to observe and look at the plants, and learn what they need. Varish shows Nubs an Albeekian Sun Grass, which grows on a sunny planet. She tells Nubs that the plant is unhealthy and asks what it needs. Nubs waters the plant but Varish reminds him to observe and look careful. She tells him that the plant needs sunlight before opening a curtain. The sunlight causes the plant to sprout.

Nubs takes an interest in the neighboring plant, a Grumble Vine. He touches the plant, causing it to drop a purple seed. Varish shoos him away and explains that the plant comes from a planet without much sunlight. Before she can elaborate, the droid Dee enters the classroom and tells her that the children are late for their shuttle back to Tenoo. Varish apologizes for losing track of time and says that they will talk about the grumble vine in the next lesson.

The rogue vine

Before leaving, she gives Nubs a present: a container containing seeds for a plant that can grow on Tenoo. She tells him to water them and make sure they get lots of sunlight. Nubs accidentally drops some seeds, which fall below the front table. While gathering the seeds, he accidentally picks up the purple seed from the grumble vine. Varish wishes the children all the best before escorting them to the shuttle.

After returning to Tenoo, the three younglings plant their seedlings inside a series of raised plots inside the Tenoo Jedi Temple's garden. Brightstar and Solay activate water dispensers to soak the plants. The three children notice that one plot is barren despite watering it. Solay asks Nubs what she thinks it needs. Nubs replies sunlight. Shortly later, the grumble vine starts sprouting giant green vines which creep over the garden infrastructure. Nubs and his friends run for safety. Solay thinks that these were part of the seeds that Ms Varish gave Nubs and remarks that the plant is "not happy." Brightstar reminds them that they must get the grumble vine under control.

Solay switches off the water dispenser but they are unable to stop the grumble vine from growing. The plant's vines creep around several pillars and stony structures inside the Temple Garden and begin sprouting purple flowers. The vines take an interest in the three younglings, who are forced to drawn their training sabers in self defense. After finding that the grumble vines are afraid of their sabers, they decide to use them to drive the plant back towards the garden enclosure.

Stopping the grumble vine

Brightstar attempts to uproot the grumble vine but one of its vines grabs him and throws him at Nubs. Solay is driven back by the vine, which heads towards the Jedi Temple. One of the vine climbs onto the walls. The three younglings try to stop it but it carries them onto the top of the temple. After landing inside the temple Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs usher the other younglings - including a green-skinned Mirialan - inside, describing the situation as a "gardening situation." Inside the temple, Dee panics and says that he has to call Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna. Before they can evacuate the building, the vines force their way inside by creating holes in the wall.

While retreating, Nubs panics. Solay reassures him that he knows more about plants than anyone else while Brightstar adds that the Force is with him. The two leave to evacuate the others from the Temple while Nubs stays behind in the foyer to confront the grumble vine. Recalling Ms Varish's advice about observing plants, he decides to use a banner to block the flower and stem of the grumble vine from the sun. This temporarily stops its advance. When Brightstar and Solay reappear, Nubs tells them that the plant likes shade rather than sunlight.

Solay agrees and proposes blocking sunlight from the center of the grumble vine in an attempt to stop its growth. However, two vines grab Solay and Brightstar. Nubs uses the Force to reach the center of the plant but is grabbed by several vines. Despite being restrained by vines, he manages to use the banner to cover the center of the grumble, causing it to stop its advance and release him and his friends. As the grumble vine retreats, Nubs and his friends realized that the plant needed shade. However, the vines have caused significant damage to the Jedi Temple by removing several bricks and stones. Dee says he is not programmed for repairs while Solays that they will have to tell Master Zia what happened. Brightstar proposes finding a new home for the planet. Nubs has an idea.


Later, repair droids complete their repairs to the Jedi Temple while Zia briefs Varish about the situation via holoprojector. Varish is apologetic that she accidentally released a grumble vine seed. Brightstar says that at least Nubs figured out how to stop it. Varish commends Nubs for not giving up and remembering his lesson of observation. She reassures him that his grumble vine made it safely back to Langsha-Raang inside a storage container. She promises to take good care of it and asks Nubs about the rest of his garden. Nubs carries the holoprojector while showing an impressed Varish the other plants he has grown.












