The High Priest


The High Priest led a pilgrimage to Jedha City.

The High Priest led a pilgrimage to Jedha City.

The High Priest was a Lorrdian male who led the religious congregation known as the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance. As his faith called for the renouncement of all individuality, the priest willingly gave up his own name, with his followers only referring to him using a keening wail of a specific pitch. Due to the group's dogmatic vow of silence, moaning sounds of this sort were the only way the Brotherhood could communicate with the High Priest at all.

The High Priest led the Brotherhood, including fellow Lorrdian Toshdor Ni, on a pilgrimage to Jedha City on the sacred moon Jedha. In 1 BBY, he was lent against the wall of an alley in the city with another member of the Brotherhood when the rebel agents Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor walked past. He then moved from the alley into a market square and was then stood near two other Brotherhood members in the square when Erso first met the Guardian of the Whills Chirrut Îmwe. As Erso and Andor then exited the square, they walked toward the priest before he passed them and moved back into the square. Soon after, the Galactic Empire destroyed Jedha City using the Death Star superweapon.

Personality and traits

The High Priest took his faith's concealment of individuality to heart so strongly that he stripped himself of his name.


While on Jedha, the High Priest wore the Blue Gown of the Sullen Moon and the Lorrdian Cowl of Quiescence, both of which were a matching blue and yellow in color. He also carried a metallic staff and wore brown shoes.

Behind the scenes

The High Priest first appeared in the Anthology Series film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story which was released on December 16, 2016. Prior to the film's release, the character was revealed as part of a reel of promotional footage for Rogue One shown at Celebration Europe on July 15, 2016. The character's title was then provided in the accompanying reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo and released on the same day as the film.




