The High Republic: Mission to Disaster is a canon middle grade novel written by Justina Ireland with illustrations by Petur Antonsson. The ebook was released by Disney–Lucasfilm Press as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project on January 4, 2022. The physical book was published on March 1, 2022.
Two hundred years before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, in the era of the glorious High Republic, the Jedi are the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy!
The Jedi think the dreaded Nihil marauders have been all but defeated. Their leader is on the run and their numbers have dwindled. Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh hopes this means she will finally have time to really train her Padawan, Imri Cantaros—but reports of a Nihil attack on Port Haileap soon dash those hopes. For not only have the Nihil attacked the peaceful outpost, they have abducted Vernestra and Imri's friend, Avon Starros. The two Jedi set off for Port Haileap, determined to figure out where the Nihil have taken their friend. Meanwhile, Avon must put her smarts and skills to the ultimate test as she fights for survival among the Nihil—and uncovers a sinister plan. Can Vernestra and Imri find their friend before disaster strikes?
The New York Times best-selling series continues.... For light and life!
After the attack on Vice President Bep, it is mentioned that Ghal Tarpfen and Velko Jahen are both searching for the culprits. The security chief is subsequently suspected of the attack after being discovered to be missing the day afterwards. This contradicts the short story "Starlight: Shadows Remain," which depicts Tarpfen being abducted by Senator Ghirra Starros and her Nihil allies after happening upon the injured Bep, prior to Imri Cantaros discovering the scene as depicted in Mission to Disaster.
- ISBN 9781368079402; January 4, 2022; Disney–Lucasfilm Press; US eBook
- ISBN 9781368068000; March 1, 2022; Disney–Lucasfilm Press; US hardcover
- ISBN 9781761210006; February 2, 2022; Hardie Grant Publishing; Australian paperback