The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural (real-life book)

Behind the scenes

The book is divided between titled chapters, themselves divided between numbered entries, such as "". For example, the first entry start with "21359.76.512". If compared to known dated events, such as provided by the Galactic Timeline on Star Wars: The Old Republics official website, those entries seem to be part of a unidentified datation system somewhat mirroring other known datation systems, such as the Galactic Standard Calendar (BBY) and the unidentified calendar based on the Treaty of Coruscant (BTC/ATC):

Several observations can be made from this. Firstly, it can be noted that the entries point of origin is based on the creation of the Galactic Republic, set in 25,053 BBY, per the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, which correspond to 21,400 BTC, but with an offset of ten years after the Republic's foundation, equivalent to 25,043 BBY. Secondly, while most dates check out with their correspondant entries, it's not the case of the three entries chronicling the events set in 3681 BBY/28 BTC (which should equate to 21362 in the book internal datation system), even though the entry "21363.98.659" indicate it was written the very day of the event of the Assault on the Tingel Arm region. It can be also be noted that, if indeed the entries are part of a datation system, the standard year of this system may not equate the length, nor the starting point of the others two calendars.

Furthermore, in keeping with the style of a research journal and a personal diary, the entries are often written by Gnost-Dural while some time had already occurred after the events he is chronicling. Some refers to events happening the very day, others weeks and months prior, or even full centuries in the case of his research into Sith History. For example, Gnost-Dural only describes the events leading to Mandalore the Lesser's ascension, mirroring the content of the fourth video entry in the Galactic Timeline, dated to 14 BTC, in entry "21379.16.091". In it, he wrote of events happening "Three years ago, in the wake of their defeat in the Battle of Alderaan", which would equate to 21376, confirmed by entry "21376.89.702", describing the initial Sith's invasion of Alderaan, and followed with entry "21376.89.704", on which Gnost-Dural relates the victory of the Republic.



