- Satine on Coruscant - New Mandalore's ruler travels to the galactic capital. (21 BBY 7-8)
- R6-H5 - Astromech of Jedi Master Kit Fisto. (R6 1-2)
- Ezra Bridger - Headstrong young rebel. (BRI 11-14)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi - The Jedi General in the Clone Wars. (KEN 43-46)
- Malloc (Labria) - Down and out on Tatooine. (MAL 1-2)
- AdmiralTrench - CIS top brass. (TRE 3-4)
- Hondo Ohnaka's ground forces - The pirate's Ubrikkian tanks. (OHN 3-4)