In the adventure, the players take on the role of Green squad, part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Irregular unit, Reekeene's Roughnecks. Green squad is sent to Iyuta to plant a listening device beneath a new Imperial Communications Center on the planet. Along the way, they have to deal with the fact that their contact, Chilla, has been killed and replaced by an Imperial spy.
First published in Star Wars Campaign Pack in 1988, "The Plant" was later republished in Classic Campaigns in 1994. When the adventure was reprinted, there were several minor changes made to the text. These were:
- A reference to "battleships" was replaced with a reference to "large cruisers."
- A reference to "Imperial marines" was replaced with a reference to "Imperial soldiers"; however subsequent mentions of Imperial marines were left in.
- A reference to "scaly man-like creatures with huge eyes and big teeth" was replaced with "scaly vaguely humanoid creatures with huge eyes and big teeth."