On the planet Kuat, a year prior to the Battle of Geonosis, a lone cloaked figure wanders into a small colony. When the leader of the colonists, Larbo, emerges to see what is happening, the young Boba Fett hurls a thermal detonator and flees into one of the tents. As chaos ensues, Jango Fett arrives to slaughter the scattered prey. When approached by two gun men, a flick knife appears from his gauntlet and, presumably, slits their throats. He then hunts down the other colonists.
Larbo finds Boba cowering in the corner of his tent and holds him at gunpoint to interrogate him. He is horrified to learn the young boy is the bounty hunter's son. Jango, having finished assassinating the remaining members of the camp, tracks down Boba and demands that Larbo release his son and slashes his way through the tent's canopy. A disgusted Larbo asks what kind of man would use his own son as bait, and Boba replies that "only a son can know his father's heart." Jango seizes Boba and throws a thermal detonator into the tent before escaping with the boy.
Jango and Boba leave the planet in the Slave I, and the bounty hunter confirms to Count Dooku that his mission was accomplished. The ruling families can now commence with building factories for the Trade Federation and the Sith Lords' other allies.
On Boba's first training mission, he learns an important lesson — that a warrior must suppress all emotion to succeed.
- Star Wars Tales Volume 5
- Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Menace Revealed Vol. 4