The fair-skinned human member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's military served as assistant to Lieutenant Tigran Jamiro during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire. The assistant and Jamiro were stationed in Echo Base, the Alliance's secret headquarters on the planet of Hoth, where Jamiro served as a deck officer and a senior logistics officer.
In 3 ABY, the rebel Luke Skywalker failed to return to Echo Base after going to investigate what he believed to be a meteor nearby. Following this incident, Jamiro and his assistant rushed into a chamber where tauntauns were kept near the north entrance to the base so that Jamiro could inform Skywalker's companion, Han Solo, that Skywalker had not returned. Against Jamiro's advice, Solo headed out and searched for Skywalker on a tauntaun. Solo did not return that night, but he and Skywalker were rescued the following morning. The Alliance was then attacked on Hoth by the Empire and forced to evacuate.
The assistant wore rebel snow gear including a brown sleeveless jacket with a white uniform and a white insulated watch cap with a brown face wrap.
The assistant was portrayed by an uncredited extra in the 1980 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. The scene was filmed between March 29 and April 4, 1979.