Lord Tion originated in the 1981 radio adaptation of the original Star Wars film. His story was expanded upon in the fifth issue of the 2003 series of comics Star Wars: Empire. These stories are part of Star Wars Legends, previously known as the Expanded Universe, and are therefore not canon. However, Lord Tion and the Devastator being his flagship were both mentioned in the 2014 canon novel The Rebellion Begins written by Michael Kogge.
Lord Tion originated in the 1981 radio adaptation of the original Star Wars film. His story was expanded upon in the fifth issue of the 2003 series of comics Star Wars: Empire. These stories are part of Star Wars Legends, previously known as the Expanded Universe, and are therefore not canon. However, Lord Tion and the Devastator being his flagship were both mentioned in the 2014 canon novel The Rebellion Begins written by Michael Kogge.