Trandoshan Hunting Rifle

A Trandoshan Hunting Rifle, otherwise known as the Trandoshan Hunter's Rifle, was a a fairly accurate hunting rifle created and used by the Trandoshan species. The Trandoshan Hunter's Rifle Mark-1B was another version of the blaster rifle.


A Trandoshan wielding a Trandoshan Hunting Rifle

A Trandoshan wielding a Trandoshan Hunting Rifle

The Trandoshan Hunting Rifle was considered a fairly accurate hunting rifle. As an energy weapon, it fired particle beams like a blaster rifle, and its overall form comprised a stock, scope, and barrel. While the scope and barrel were black in appearance, overall the rifle was marked by silvery, metallic components, with woodlike details accentuating the stock and forestock. The weapon consisted of a number of different materials, including polonium iron, desh copper, and polymer.

The Mark-1B was another version of the Trandoshan Hunter's Rifle, virtually identical in form and function to the standard model. It could, however, be more readily constructed by weaponsmiths and munitions traders with the appropriate skill and materials, such as link-steel aluminum, non-ferrous metal, and polymer.

A weapon of slavers

The rifle was created and used by the Trandoshan species, a race of reptilians from the planet Trandosha. During the Galactic Empire's subjugation of the forest world of Kashyyyk, Trandoshans brought the rifles with them, one of which fell into the possession of a Wookiee named Orooroo. Demoralized by the overwhelming might of the Empire and their Trandoshan collaborators, Orooroo betrayed his kind, and dedicated his services to the Trandoshan Zssik Clan, around 1 ABY.

The Zssik Clan, eager to assume greater control over Kashyyyk's slave trade, sought to undermine the dominance of the Blackscale Clan. To help achieve this, Orooroo instructed an offworlder to convince Harwakokok, a leader of the Wookiee resistance, to launch a foolhardy assault on the Blackscale's Avatar Orbital Platform. For achieving this aim, Orooroo bestowed his rifle to the offworlder, and urged the spacer to use it against the enemies of the Zssik.

The Blackscale Clan likewise made use of the rifle. The clan stored a schematic for the Mark-1B version within a lockbox on board the Avatar space station's medical center.

Kressik the weaponsmith

In the Kashyyyk city of Kachirho, a Trandoshan weaponsmith by the name of enlisted the help of a spacer to learn more about a new bowcaster that was being produced by the Wookiee resistance. After tricking a Wookiee weaponsmith named into providing a schematic for the new bowcaster, the spacer manufactured one and delivered it to Kressik. He quickly concluded, however, that the bowcaster was a piece of junk, and would pose little threat against the Trandoshan slavers. Nevertheless, Kressik provided the spacer a schematic for the Trandoshan Hunting Rifle as payment for their service. Kressik warned the spacer that constructing the hunter's rifle would be challenging without the proper barrel, which were normally found in the possession Blackscale slavers on board the Avatar Orbital Platform.

Behind the scenes

The Trandoshan Hunting Rifle was included as a rifle in Star Wars Galaxies: Rage of the Wookiees, a 2005 expansion pack to Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. The Trandoshan Hunting Rifle was a reward given to players by the non-player character Orooroo, for completing the Zssik Clan quest "The Smiting of Old Scratch" on Kashyyyk. Players could also acquire a schematic for another version of the rifle, called the Trandoshan Hunter's Rifle Mark-1B, by opening a lockbox with the correct code as part of the "Medical Lockbox" sidequest on board the Avatar Orbital Platform. The Mark-1B could then be crafted by players of the weaponsmith profession by using a number of different components and resources, including link-steel aluminum, non-ferrous metal, polymer, and a Trandoshan Hunter's Rifle Barrel.

Following the release of Publish 25's New Game Enhancements on November 15, 2005, weaponsmiths were removed, however the Mark-1B could still be constructed by players of the newly created munitions trader profession. Following the release of Chapter 5: "An Entertaining Enterprise", on February 22, 2007, standard Trandoshan Hunting Rifles could be crafted by traders through the process of reverse engineering. However, unlike the Mark-1B, the standard Trandoshan Hunting Rifle did not require a Trandoshan Hunter's Rifle Barrel, and different resources were required, like polonium iron and desh copper. The game files also include information on a quest titled "Trandoshan Hunting Rifle," in which a Trandoshan NPC named Kressik awards weaponsmith players with a schematic for a Trandoshan Hunter's Rifle in exchange for extracting information on a bowcaster from a Wookiee named Lolo. However, this quest is not known to have been included on the video game's live servers.







