Tsuneo Sanda

Movie adaptaions

  • Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones 1
  • Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones 2
  • Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones 3
  • Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones 4
  • Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones (TPB)
  • Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith (TPB)

Star Wars Tales

  • Star Wars Tales Volume 1
  • Star Wars Tales Volume 2
DH Celebration IV poster

DH Celebration IV poster

  • Star Wars Tales Volume 3
  • Star Wars Tales Volume 4
  • Star Wars Tales Volume 5
  • Star Wars Tales Volume 6


  • Star Wars: The Comics Companion
  • Boba Fett: Man with a Mission
  • Star Wars: Dark Empire II Second Edition
  • Star Wars Fan Club Special 2008
  • Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command

Interior illustrations
