Twilight (individual)

Shortly after the Outer Rim Territories moon Dyspeth was settled by members of the Human species, Twilight attempted to use her Force abilities in order to unite other Force-sensitive individuals among the colonists. In doing so, Twilight's goal was for them to adapt to the darkness of the perpetually shadowed moon. Twilight eventually founded the Force-user group known as the Disciples of Twilight, members of which predominantly used the Force to manipulate light and, during the centuries following the group's establishment, became the protectors of Dyspeth's inhabitants.

Twilight was introduced in the 2009 sourcebook Legacy Era Campaign Guide, published by Wizards of the Coast for use with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.

Behind the scenes

Twilight was introduced in the 2009 sourcebook Legacy Era Campaign Guide, published by Wizards of the Coast for use with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.


  • Legacy Era Campaign Guide
