A rare variety of rancor found only on a few worlds throughout the galaxy, the tyrant rancor was much larger than most other rancors. Most tyrant rancors lived on worlds where food was abundant, leading xenobiologists to speculate that most of them were descendants of rancors that were relocated from other worlds to habitats that were unprepared for a predator of its size.
Tyrants were able to run rampant over the ecosystems of the planets they were on, and grow to incredible sizes. Tyrant Rancors were of much the same disposition as most normal rancors but were much stronger and heartier, making them extremely dangerous.
A rare variety of rancor found only on a few worlds throughout the galaxy, the tyrant rancor was much larger than most other rancors. Most tyrant rancors lived on worlds where food was abundant, leading xenobiologists to speculate that most of them were descendants of rancors that were relocated from other worlds to habitats that were unprepared for a predator of its size.
Tyrants were able to run rampant over the ecosystems of the planets they were on, and grow to incredible sizes. Tyrant Rancors were of much the same disposition as most normal rancors but were much stronger and heartier, making them extremely dangerous.