Ubellikos was a human male soldier of the New Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry. During the Galactic Civil War, Ubellikos was selected by Wyl Lark to fly an airspeeder in a squadron, due to a shortage of pilots following the attack on Cerberon by Colonel Soran Keize's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. Ubellikos spoke with the stentorian articulation—and accent—of a Hutt, and his confident indignation reminded Lark of Chass na Chadic. Ubellikos participated in an attack on the 204th's temporary base at the Core Nine mining megafacility on the planet Troithe. However, during the dogfight, his airspeeder was pinned to the ground and with nowhere left to go, he was subsequently killed by the 204th's TIE fighters, a maneuver in which the New Republic pilots came to know as Snapper's Needle.
Ubellikos first appeared in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, written by Alexander Freed.
Ubellikos first appeared in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, written by Alexander Freed.