The Undercity was a region within the lower levels of the city Sundari on the planet Mandalore. When the Galactic Republic launched an assault on the forces of Maul, who held control over Sundari, the former Sith apprentice resided in the Undercity. After Maul's Mandalorian super commandos, led by Gar Saxon, met stronger resistance than anticipated, Prime Minister Almec instructed them to meet Maul in the Undercity. Republic forces led by former Jedi Ahsoka Tano and Clone Captain CT-0292 "Vaughn" were led into a trap in the Undercity, during which Vaughn was killed and Tano was confronted by Maul.
- Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy
- "Not a Mandalorian Like Any Other" — Star Wars - The Official Magazine 106