Unidentified Flesh Raider Warmaster

A Warmaster of the Flesh Raider species guarded the Upper Hollows, a cave system in the Tythos Ridge on the planet Tython, during the conflict between the Flesh Raiders and the Jedi Order. A Flesh Raider with gray skin, red eyes, and white markings across the individual's body, the Warmaster wore armor and carried a vibrosword in battle against the Jedi and the Twi'lek villagers of the nearby Kalikori village. The Flesh Raider rose to the rank of warmaster by the year 3643 BBY, when the individual was killed by a young Padawan who had been sent to steal weapons from the Flesh Raiders for the people of Kalikori Village. After defeating the Flesh Raider, the Padawan used the Warmaster's key to access one of the natives' weapons caches.

The Warmaster appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released by BioWare and LucasArts in 2011. The Flesh Raider is the target of the Jedi Knight mission "High-Tech Savages," in which the villager Moorint instructs the player to take the Warmaster's key and access a weapons cache.

Behind the scenes

The Warmaster appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released by BioWare and LucasArts in 2011. The Flesh Raider is the target of the Jedi Knight mission "High-Tech Savages," in which the villager Moorint instructs the player to take the Warmaster's key and access a weapons cache.



