Unidentified Moradmin Bast look-alike

A male Human served as an officer in the Imperial Military of the Galactic Empire during the early stages Galactic Civil War. He greatly resembled another Imperial, the General Moradmin Bast, and bore the same ranking plaque as him.

In the year 1 ABY, that Human male worked under the direct command of the Supreme Commander, Darth Vader. At the time, the Dark Lord's adjutant participated in the hunt for the elusive Rebels, which eventually led him to the homeworld of the Wookiees, the planet Kashyyyk—known to the Imperials as "Wookiee Planet C." The officer gave his men instructions for a planetary blockade and ordered them to conduct a house-to-house search for the Rebels. He subsequently gave Lord Vader a progress report. The officer confidently assured the Emperor's apprentice that their targets would soon be found and captured.

Behind the scenes

Cut footage of Leslie Schofield as General Moradmin Bast in A New Hope was reused for a scene in The Star Wars Holiday Special. Leland Chee has noted that Chief Bast would not have had time to escape the first Death Star before its destruction, meaning that the character in the Holiday Special is not Chief Bast. In The Star Wars Holiday Special Cantina: Who's Who, an article written for the official StarWars.com blog, authors Tim Veekhoven and Kevin Beentjes theorized that the Bast lookalike may in fact have been a clone of his.




