Unidentified New Republic Pilot (Birgis)

In 25 ABY, a New Republic pilot was given important intel about the Yuuzhan Vong by Boba Fett.

One week after the invasion of Helska IV, the Mandalorians, led by Boba Fett, assaulted the spaceport on Birgis. Fett, Goran Beviin and Cham Detta spearheaded the assault. Fett hoped to use this moment to pass on vital intel to the New Republic. He passed the intel on to the pilot during the assault, telling her to give it to the New Republic.


One week after the invasion of Helska IV, the Mandalorians, led by Boba Fett, assaulted the spaceport on Birgis. Fett, Goran Beviin and Cham Detta spearheaded the assault. Fett hoped to use this moment to pass on vital intel to the New Republic. He passed the intel on to the pilot during the assault, telling her to give it to the New Republic.



