A human served as a Stormtrooper Commander in the Galactic Empire during the Imperial Era. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the Stormtrooper Commander was present at an Imperial naval base on the planet Bestine IV at the time a transport, that was carrying munitions to be used against insurgents that fought against the Empire on the world, was to arrive at the base. In preparation for the arrival of the transport, a team led by the Imperial officer Beilert Valance arrived at the base to ensure that the shipment got there. Valance was greeted by the stormtrooper when he made his way off a shuttle, who told him that he did not look like an Imperial officer. Valance thanked the trooper for the comment and then informed the Stormtrooper Commander that he wanted patrols along the perimeter of the deck where the transport was due to arrive. The trooper told Valance that it was a lot of ground to cover, and he simply responded that they had better get started then.