Unidentified bounty hunter (Batuu)

At some point during the era of the Galactic Republic, a bounty hunter went missing on the planet Batuu. After failing to acquire a treasure while on the planet Coruscant, a Togruta mumbled something about the Batuu bounty hunter.

The bounty hunter was mentioned in "Galactic Tales: Inheritance," an installment of the Galactic Tales series of short stories. The story was written by George Mann and was published in the Star Wars Insider magazine's 211th issue on June 7, 2022.

Behind the scenes

The bounty hunter was mentioned in "Galactic Tales: Inheritance," an installment of the Galactic Tales series of short stories. The story was written by George Mann and was published in the Star Wars Insider magazine's 211th issue on June 7, 2022.



