Unidentified comet

The consequent permanently cold and winter-like climate led to the extinction of the majority of species of the planet, which originally featured immense oceans teeming with living organisms as well as jungles on the land portion of its surface. Needan's sentient Geelan species survived the disaster by building and retreating to dome-like habitats. When the Geelan realized, however, that the fuel supply on which their society was relying was rapidly dwindling, the species' scientists began sending out distress signals into outer space, leading to a first contact with the wider galactic community at some point by the time of the Galactic Civil War and the subsequent emigration of many Geelan off their doomed homeworld.

The comet was first mentioned in the "Alien Encounters" feature of the May 1997 thirteenth issue of West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal magazine. The feature was authored by Brian Smithson. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Needan system, and therefore the comet, in grid square I-20.

Behind the scenes

The comet was first mentioned in the "Alien Encounters" feature of the May 1997 thirteenth issue of West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal magazine. The feature was authored by Brian Smithson. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Needan system, and therefore the comet, in grid square I-20.

