A dark side artifact was owned by Madelin Sun from the time she had worked as a sava, studying the dark side of the Force, at the University of Bar'leth prior to the fall of the Jedi Order. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, study of the Force was forbidden by the Empire and Sun's career was destroyed, forcing her to work as a junk seller on the backwater world Antillion, where she kept the artifact in her shop. Between 8 BBY and 2 BBY, after they been tipped off by the smuggler Han Solo about her having possession of illegal contraband, three stormtroopers made their way to Sun's shop and began searching her belongings. One of the troopers found the artifact and gave it to their commander, who informed the former sava that the artifact was forbidden under Order 66 Codicil Nine. Sun attempted to dismiss the importance of the artifact, stating it was nothing and that she kept it for sentimental reasons, that she could not use it, and that it just made her happy. The commander then informed Sun that they would have to file a report to the Imperial governor of the sector, which the former sava pleaded not to happen. The troopers were then shot and killed by Lady Qi'ra, the leader of Crimson Dawn, and the artifact was destroyed as it came out of the commander's hand.
After she introduced herself to Sun, Qi'ra collected the smashed pieces of the artifact up and handed them over to Sun, who called it a beautiful piece, before expressing regret at keeping the artifact as she knew what the consequences of keeping such artifacts would be, but she just could not let go of it. Qi'ra then stated as a scholar, Sun's specific field was the dark side of the Force, and that the relic was part of her identity and her reason for being. After the two left the shop for a ship of Qi'ra's, the crime lord revealed to Sun the truth of Emperor Sheev Palpatine, that he was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, and Sun came to the realization that her life had been taken away from her, as she spoke the words she squeezed the broken parts of the artifact in her hands, causing them to bleed, before she threw the parts onto the ground, leaving them behind as she boarded Qi'ra's ship.