In 21 BBY upon the capture of Malastare's newly awakened Zillo Beast, the creature was brought to Coruscant in order to harvest the secret of its apparent indestructibility on the orders of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Republic Doctor Sionver Boll used a science droid to run a myriad of tests on the Zillo Beast. It drew blood samples using a syringe attachment, and later was used to emit fumes derived from the Malastarian fuel, the only known weapon effective against the creature. The experiments, however, angered the beast, prompting it to break free from its confinement, sending the droid spinning out of control in the process, and wreak havoc across the Senate District.
Later, after Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's staged assassination, a science droid in service at the Jedi Temple shaved his head and administered to him an injection to transform his facial features into the likeness of bounty hunter Rako Hardeen, in order to go undercover to prevent the assassination of Chancellor Palpatine.