Unidentified squad (Nadiem)

Thee squad was deployed to the planet of Nadiem, where they were sent to evacuate refugees away from the planet in preparation for an imminent attack by the Separatists. While Jedi General Luminara Unduli and Jedi Commander Barriss Offee led the evacuation in the town, the quad was out in an outlying settlement, where they rescued a few stragglers. However, one of the refugees was sick, which delayed their progress to the evac site, and as such Commander Offee was sent to rescue them from the incoming Separatist threat.

Once the Separatists arrived, the squad set up an ambush with Barriss Offee. Their ambush entailed them playing dead. Once the Separatists walked past them, the troopers flanked around and planted charges on their escape route. Following that, they hid on a hill in sniping positions.

With their ambush, they thwarted the Separatist attack, destroying all of the droids. Despite their efforts, several Jedi died during the Battle of Nadiem.


Thee squad was deployed to the planet of Nadiem, where they were sent to evacuate refugees away from the planet in preparation for an imminent attack by the Separatists. While Jedi General Luminara Unduli and Jedi Commander Barriss Offee led the evacuation in the town, the quad was out in an outlying settlement, where they rescued a few stragglers. However, one of the refugees was sick, which delayed their progress to the evac site, and as such Commander Offee was sent to rescue them from the incoming Separatist threat.

Once the Separatists arrived, the squad set up an ambush with Barriss Offee. Their ambush entailed them playing dead. Once the Separatists walked past them, the troopers flanked around and planted charges on their escape route. Following that, they hid on a hill in sniping positions.

With their ambush, they thwarted the Separatist attack, destroying all of the droids. Despite their efforts, several Jedi died during the Battle of Nadiem.



