A elderly male individual who was addressed as an uncle drove a sputtering landspeeder on a particular day, twenty years after the Sith rebellion, when he was traveling to Osou on the Outer Rim planet Genbara. He brought up the rear of a group of several other beings on the same path, including the individuals known as the Ronin and the Traveler. The uncle appreciated the ghost stories that the Traveler told. The storyteller rode alongside him as another uncle leading a and two aunties discussed pirate attacks, growing tensions in the Empire, and the recruitment posters in Osou spaceport. From his landspeeder, the elder uncle spoke up to tell the group they were looking for the wrong thing; instead of recruitment posters, they should pay attention to how bodies were going missing again. An aunty with an apothecary chest added further rumors from the HoloNet about Buna. A second aunty carrying baskets of rice shared that she had witnessed during the war how bodies disappeared from battlefields after the Sith witch passed by. The Traveler eventually exited the uncle's landspeeder and addressed the rumors.