Unification Policies

The Unification Policies were a set of legal guidelines and recommendations proposed by Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum around 1000 BBY as part of the Ruusan Reformation to unify the Galactic Republic after the devastating New Sith Wars. The main opposition for the policies came from many separatist groups that wanted to keep their star systems out of the Republic.


In 1000 BBY, the end of the New Sith Wars with the Ruusan campaign—the last set of battles of the wars—left the galaxy weakened. Galactic Republic Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum proposed the Unification Policies to help reunite the star systems that had started to show the seeds of rebellion after the war; he wanted to bring those worlds back into the web of Republic influence. Valorum proposed the Unification Policies as part of his Ruusan Reformation, a series of proposed reforms that were meant to restructure the whole Republic. After the policies were enacted, the Galactic Senate was able to enforce the regulations of membership in the Republic.

Tarsus Valorum, the man who proposed the Unification Policies

Tarsus Valorum, the man who proposed the Unification Policies


The Unification Policies were first proposed following the New Sith Wars, which ended with the final battle of Ruusan in 1000 BBY. Because several separatist groups, such as the Anti-Republic Liberation Front, saw the Unification Policies as a form of bullying, nearly one hundred small rebellions arose following the policies' approval. Darth Bane, the last remaining Dark Lord of the Sith, worked behind the scenes to pit rebellious organizations against the Republic, hoping to distract the Republic from the secret survival of the Sith Order. One such event happened in 990 BBY on the planet Serenno, where Bane's apprentice, Darth Zannah, worked to get a small Anti-Republic Liberation Front cell to perform a kidnapping of Valorum, by then the former Supreme Chancellor. One member of the cell, a man by the name of Paak, was originally against the idea, but his hatred of the Unification Policies was so great he eventually went along with the plan to kidnap Valorum. The members of the cell attempted to kidnap the former Chancellor but were stopped by Jedi Knight Johun Othone. Over the years, several separatist cells tried to oppose the government's ability to keep star systems in the Republic, but their efforts were in vain. The Republic stood for almost another thousand years, and many of the rebellious groups eventually disappeared.

Behind the scenes

The Unification Policies were first mentioned in Darth Bane: Rule of Two, published on December 26, 2007. They were later described in more detail in the 2008 compendium The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia






