The second, untitled instalment of The Keeper's World was published in Pizzazz 2 in November 1977. The entire story arc was reprinted in the UK in Star Wars Weekly 47–50 in 1978–79, and in the 1999 limited-release comic Star Wars 0.
After a malfunctioning R2-D2 causes their starship to come out of hyperspace in the middle of an Imperial fleet, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, C-3PO, and R2-D2 barely escape from Imperial tractor beams. Their ship is damaged in the process and caught in the gravitational grip of a nearby unidentified planet. As they come in for a crash landing, Luke Skywalker hopes the planet is unknown enough to keep them safe from Imperial troops.
- Star Wars 0
- Star Wars Omnibus: Wild Space Volume 1
- Star Wars: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 3
- Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Original Marvel Years Vol. 1