Uprising on Naboo

After the news of Emperor Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor reached the planet Naboo, the natives broke out in celebration, and some tried to force the Galactic Empire off-world—albeit unsuccessfully.


As part of his efforts to consolidate power and bring sovereign systems under Imperial control, Palpatine sent a garrison force to Naboo, under the pretense that it would be protecting the planet's precious plasma energy resources.

Imperial forces fighting in and over a Naboo city

Imperial forces fighting in and over a Naboo city

Despite being connected with the Emperor, the planet's rulers were never quite willing to cooperate fully with their Imperial supervisors, and quiet resistance against the local garrison brewed for many years.

The Gungans, who became marginalized during this period and mostly returned to their swamplands, also founded several resistance cells. Despite this, the Gungans and human resistance fighters worked mostly in secret, fearing they were not strong enough to resist the legions stationed on the world.

The uprising

As it became known that Palpatine had died along with Darth Vader aboard the second Death Star, and that the Rebel Alliance had been victorious against their fleet, countless planets exploited the confusion and disarray amongst Imperial forces to liberate themselves from their oppressive rule. The citizens of Naboo took this opportunity, as well.

Despite previous diplomatic behavior, the Naboo and the Gungans banded together to once more oust an oppressive force from their world. Naboo rebels mobilized their N-1 starfighters, while the Gungans contributed Militiagung soldiers to invade the capital.

The Theed Royal Palace was stormed, and supporters of the Rebellion made their way through the palace, even up to the rooftops. This portion of the battle did not seem to have caused extensive damage to the exterior of the palace, based on its appearance immediately afterward. In the aftermath of the battle, the crowds were cheering on the plaza and atop the buildings, with at least one Gungan using the occasion to declare Naboo's freedom. The celebrations didn't last long, as the local Imperial garrisons put down the insurrection.


Despite the setback after Endor, the planet eventually became free of Imperial influence, and its sector was represented in the New Republic Senate by a Gungan Senator.

Behind the scenes

The battle, or rather, the aftermath, made its first appearance in the DVD version of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, in a redone sequence for the ending of the film, showing the galaxy celebrating Emperor Palpatine's death. Although the film implied that the Empire was successfully driven out, additional materials from The Essential Atlas and The Essential Guide to Warfare revealed that the Empire had suppressed the revolt.










