
JocastaBot is a bot developed by Cade Calrayn that aids editors by serving as an archiving service for status article nominations. It lives in the Wookieepedia Discord, where it can be messaged in order to trigger the archiving of a successful or unsuccessful status article nomination. Unlike the rest of Wookieepedia's bots, however, JocastaBot is not given the bot flag, as we prefer nomination archiving to be visible in Special:RecentChanges by default.

JocastaBot is a Python service that consists of a Discord chatbot built with the library, and a nomination-archiving script developed with the pywikibot library from MediaWiki and code from Cade's bot RoboCade. It performs several steps:

Jocasta also auto-categorizes new nominations, applying the Category:Nominations by user categories and the WookieeProject categories.

However, JocastaBot does not update Wookieepedia:Comprehensive articles, Wookieepedia:Good articles, or Wookieepedia:Featured articles—as placing the article in the correct spot on the list is a bit too complex for a bot. These responsibilities still fall to you, the editor, so don't forget!

JocastaBot is accessed via the #bot-commands channel in Discord, and commands are issued in the following format:


JocastaBot also has several subpages:

Please contact Cade if you have any questions, or stop by Discord for help!
