
Hi! Congratulations on visiting this, one, page in the internet, out of every other page there ever existed, although it is entirely possible you came here on purpose, and even if it was by accident, welcome anyway! I am Shreekomandar, and you can call me Shreek, although I prefer my name in full.

My name was created out of an amalgamation of the fist half of my IRL name, and commander, an inside-joke.

I would include some links here, but the people who are actually mature and actually know what they are doing have already done this, so I'm not.

I happen to be an introvert, but I can talk a lot when needs be, but I generally prefer not to. My first incursion into the Star Wars universe was when I got a LEGO set, which I bought simply because it was cool, and my love for Star Wars began there, when I was six, in 2013. My original interactions with Star Wars was in the form of Lego Sets, and I finally got DVDs of the first six movies, in 2014. I watched the whole thing in a span of three days, and that truly began my interest in the franchise. My love for LEGO still hasn't diminished at all, and I still play with them, even if I don't have the time to do so.

I prefer the realm of imagination to the real world, and spend most of my time there, I also have a terrible habit of going into my own tangents, and I hope you can bare with that. I live somewhere in India (the country, not the parts in the USA). My hobbies are mostly writing bad-in-hindsight books, reading about Indian History, listening to podcasts and audiobooks, writing on the Wook, playing Minecraft and with my LEGO pieces. I am a huge fan of fantasy or historic fiction, and tend to write like that.

My favourite books are:

I tend to fancy myself a writer, but everything I write end up seeming terrible in hindsight, I call this 'The Twenty Minute Rule' wherein everything seems bad after twenty minutes of doing it.

Contrary to popular opinion, I also like the Sequel Trilogy, I just feel they are overshadowed by the other movies, and if I ignore their connection to the overall franchise, they would overtake my personal favorite movie, Return of the Jedi.

And that's about all I can type at the moment, so please, marvel at the probability of you doing everything in this life, of coming to this page, of all pages in the universe, of being a part of this community, to be a part of the world, to make the decisions you made. Look back, and marvel at how improbable it is, for you to even be alive.
