
Hello there, I'm Winterz and and I come from Portugal. I consider myself a bon vivant whose simple goals in life are producing happiness and wealth, assisting Wookieepedia and of course enjoying the whole experience.

I joined the Wiki in October 2011 but only became an active editor by mid 2012. Following that I joined some of the nice and fancy clubs such as the AgriCorps and the EduCorps. Unfortunately by late 2015, my interest in Star Wars had vanished (because Disney) and so I left the Wiki. After managing to accept the new reality and canon, I returned in early 2019 to help contribute to this great community and I still do today.

I have collected a ton of Star Wars comic books, sourcebooks, magazines and novels (too big to list) so for any request, including for images, please place it on my talk page.

💩 ☑ 🌉 💻 👌 😐 ✝ 👻 🔫 💣

What am I doing at the moment?

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith
  • Media images

Status articles

