Talk: Cos Palpatine of Naboo

Hello there! Thank you for the kind words. Truth to be told, my work on such subjects has slowed down dramatically since... well, you know, since the Expanded Universe was rebranded as "Legends." As regards Ben Grossblatt, I haven't been in contact with him since 2015, and I've already asked him quite a lot of questions; I wouldn't want to outstay my welcome, so to speak. Nevertheless, Mr. Grossblatt's email address is no big secret. Provided that he hasn't made a new one since 2015, you can find it on his (inactive) Facebook profile here. You could try and contact him, and see what comes out of it. (I should warn you, though, that he found my interest in his Sith conlang a bit bewildering, and that he told me he'd not developed much more than what was actually used.) If you do manage to get some more answers from him, I'd be glad to hear them! Linguistically yours ;-)-- 08:40, January 9, 2020 (UTC)
