Talk: Jon Jeong

Stay OFF my discussion pages, Jon Jeong. You're now under my zero tolerance policy the moment I return. I don't want us communicating or interacting again on the Avatar Wiki.Fire Eater (talk) 22:28, April 4, 2013 (UTC)

I will continue to defend MY code... no matter where it is... and that supersedes our joint dislike for LoK -- it supersedes Avatar Wiki...

I don't care about your facts (and they ARE facts, I get that) about LoK... but if you falter under my code, you are worthless... This code, I was going to pass to you... but you got blocked... meaning you shattered under my code to the point you got blocked -- ya got butthurt... the same way you always get butthurt -- by 24.130's same redundant comments... I found him annoying as well, the way he always came at you with the same crap... But now I can see why he did... because it WORKED... It cannot work unless YOU allow it to work... you allowed it to bother you... that's what happened. I will continue to enforce this ideal. I commented on your page condemning the Wiki's "Baiting policy" brought up by your pal, Ruen. That policy is complete bullshit and defends people like you from getting their feelings hurt on the INTERNET.

I know you must feel pretty low after getting taken down the way you did... You allowed trivial things to get to you -- a lowly nony, no less-- and you got blocked for a week because of it...

Take this next message as a deterrent to prevent this from ever happening again:

This was the post I directed at you, but it was deleted with the long ass thread from the other night:

"There's a formula, Fire Eater, it goes a little something like this: "If you get mad on the internet, If you even get defensive for one single solitary second... you have lost." I hold fast to this ideal and I measure folks through it. You are long past defensive.... that train has long passed into the fires of Hell. You embarrassing yourself, man... I sat back long enough, dude. I suggest, for your own good, that you get up, pick up your mat... and go."

I am not your enemy... not anymore, anyway... when you come back, I want you to enforce your beliefs and your FACTS about LoK -- but this time, let no one get to you... you must be as an impenetrable force -- a walking fortress.

If you live by this ideal... you will be unbeatable. You will destroy your opposition effortlessly and walk out unscathed.

I'll admit.. I did have fun with our little back-and-forths.. but now, I am willing to put that to rest and, rather, help you.

I am being real here.. I mean, when do I ever type these textwalls?

Despite others' view of me, I am not some mere jokester to be looked upon as such or some immature invalid not worthy of being taken seriously.

I hope you got that from this.

You are dead on about LoK and other shit... but you allow too much of too little to get to you... Instead of treating your opponents like victims, you make yourself out to be one. Never relent... never allow them to get the upper hand on you... ever.

What I'm sayin is... You got the offense, you just need the defense.

And I look forward to seeing it, Fire Eater.

Jon Jeong, what is your attitude towards The Search? I want to know why you're so anti-everything about The Search. Again, let me make absolutely clear to you, we DO NOT know what the truth is about Ozai vs. Ikem when it comes to Zuko's parentage, but do you think they're really foolish enough to change everything about Zuko and Ozai's history? Look, we don't know what the case is, but if you're just hating on the comic because you're bitter about something that is merely speculation at present and not proven fact, then it's pretty hard to get behind your position on the comic. It's officially treated as canon. DEAL WITH IT.Fire Eater (talk) 17:52, May 13, 2013 (UTC)

.L noL () 03:03, January 5, 2017 (UTC)
