Vall Kumauri's flagship


Vall Kumauri's flagship was a starship used by Vall Kumauri, a warlord who lived during the Ductavis Era, a period of time lasting from approximately 11,000 BBY to 9000 BBY. Amassing a small fleet of new battleships he had designed and created, Kumauri conquered several dozen star systems around 10,000 BBY, giving rise to the Kumauri Empire. The Galactic Republic eventually engaged in a brief conflict with Kumauri's empire, and his flagship participated in a battle between the two powers. At some point, both the battle and the starship were depicted in a fresco in a Kumauri Empire palace on an Outer Rim Territories moon. Kumauri's empire was ultimately defeated by the Republic and imploded within a few years of the former's creation.

The civilization created by Kumauri had become almost forgotten by 3643 BBY, when the palace on the Outer Rim moon was discovered. An individual affiliated with one of the sides in the ongoing struggle between the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire eventually sent a companion to explore the structure, and the latter discovered the fresco depicting Kumauri's flagship.

Behind the scenes

Vall Kumauri's flagship was mentioned in an Archaeology Crew Skill mission of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by BioWare, though the information regarding the mission's outcome was later removed from the game.



