Varada system


The Varada system was a part of the Outer Rim Territories' Varada sector.

It contained the terrestrial astronomical object Varada Five.


Tyanna Tymb was stationed in the Varada system during the Galactic Civil War.

Tyanna Tymb was stationed in the Varada system during the Galactic Civil War.

During the Galactic Civil War, Varada Five was home to the headquarters of the Varada sector branch of the SoroSuub Corporation, a Sullustan-run conglomerate based on the Brema sector planet Sullust. During that time, the Sullustan Tyanna Tymb was appointed to the position of the top operating executive, or Top OpEx, of SoroSuub Corporation's Varada sector holdings. As such, Tymb was charged with controlling the corporation's headquarters on Varada Five as well as coordinating the expansion of her employer's interests in the Varada system and the rest of the sector.

SoroSuub Corporation home office assigned Tymb to the Varada system shortly after her graduation from the SoroSuub Business Academy, but Alara Fax, the Sullustan's old rival and the head of the company Fax Ventures, had monitored the progress of Tymb's career. That allowed Fax to determine that the only logical post for someone of Tymb's ambitions and talents was a field assignment, in a region that was nominally under the control of SoroSuub Corporation yet had ample room for expansion.

Before any SoroSuub executives had committed to datapads any decisions on orders to give or promotions to award with regard to Tymb's assignment, Fax guessed that that location would be the Varada system. Thus, Fax gained six months' lead time in which to plan her own economic expansion into the region in order to exact vengeance upon Tymb, who Fax correctly predicted would not be content with exerting influence over just the Varada system and would seek to expand throughout the entire sector.

Behind the scenes

The Varada system was introduced in "Adversaries: Characters for the Star Wars: New Republic Campaign," a roleplaying game source article authored by Bill Slavicsek for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and published in the ninety-seventh issue of the Polyhedron magazine in July 1994. The article was released outside of the Lucas Licensing process, and its canonicity within the Star Wars Legends continuity was therefore never confirmed. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas later provided the first canonical mention of the system and placed it in grid square I-19.

