Velga Prime, also known as Velga, and sometimes known as the Gamblers' Moon, was a moon located within the Velga system of the Juvex sector, a part of the Senex-Juvex region in the Western Reaches portion of the Mid Rim.
Velga Prime sat at the intersection of two hyperlanes, the Senex-Juvex Loop and the Velga Route. The Senex-Juvex Loop connected it to the Loovria and Pieldi systems, while the Velga Route connected it to the Q'mara system.
Velga Prime was one of the Juvex sector's foremost tourist attractions. It was covered in luxurious hotels and casinos. Outsiders of the Senex-Juvex traveled to Velga Prime to avoid paying taxes on their winnings.
Around 5-4 BBY, Han Solo thought that Velga Prime was the most opulent gambling planetoid in the known galaxy.
Around 2-0 BBY, Velga Prime was a stop for Haj Shipping Lines starliners.
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- The Essential Atlas