Visler Korda's faction

At some point following the death of Galactic Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor, Commodore Visler Korda led a faction of the fragmented Galactic Empire. Headquartered on the planet Rekkana at a work camp and factory, the faction sought to strike fear into the New Republic with a fleet of weapons that were manufactured by enslaving the Rekk and forcing them into hard labor. New Republic General Lando Calrissian undertook a mission to the world, and liberated the world.

The faction's military included Lambda-class T-4a shuttless, TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, as well as a fleet of auto-fighter drones that were manufactured by the Imperial forces on Rekkana. Additionally, the faction developed a new type of all-terrain vehicle, the scuttler. Stormtroopers and Imperial officers composed the ground forces.



