Vlix Oncard was created for the animated series Star Wars: Droids, and first appeared in the episode "The White Witch," written by Peter Sauder and first broadcast on September 7, 1985. The character was voiced by John Stocker.
Vlix is probably the rarest action figure ever commercially released. He was only released by the Brazilian distributor of Kenner toys, Glasslite. An article in Polyhedron magazine by Rich Handley and Abel G. Peña, about the Droids cartoons, revealed the character's last name. The name "Oncard" is an in-joke reference to the fact that the figure is rarest when found "on card."
Vlix Oncard was created for the animated series Star Wars: Droids, and first appeared in the episode "The White Witch," written by Peter Sauder and first broadcast on September 7, 1985. The character was voiced by John Stocker.
Vlix is probably the rarest action figure ever commercially released. He was only released by the Brazilian distributor of Kenner toys, Glasslite. An article in Polyhedron magazine by Rich Handley and Abel G. Peña, about the Droids cartoons, revealed the character's last name. The name "Oncard" is an in-joke reference to the fact that the figure is rarest when found "on card."
- "Scouting the Galaxy" — Star Wars Insider 27
- Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive
- "Star Wars Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO" — Polyhedron 170
- Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide
- "Star Wars International: The Toys from Brazil" — Star Wars Insider 92
- "The Toys That Never Were" — Star Wars Insider 92
- Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Special Edition
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- "Proto Power!" — Star Wars Insider 128
- Star Wars: The Ultimate Action Figure Collection
- "Blaster" — Star Wars Insider 159
- "A State of Nelvana" — Star Wars Insider: Aliens, Creatures, and Droids
- Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, New Edition