Vray (Duros)


Vray was a Duros male who served in the Mantellian army during the Cold War, a conflict between the Sith Empire and the Republic. During the war he held the rank of commander and was deployed on the Republic-held planet of Ord Mantell in the Bright Jewel system of the Mid Rim. While stationed on the planet he and all Republic forces aided the corrupt local government in fighting the Mantellian Separatist Movement.

While stationed on Ord Mantell Vray worked out of Fort Garnik, a Republic stronghold on the planet. During the war the Separatist forces captured Drelliad village, a small village near Garnik. Republic soldiers were sent to retake the settlement and protect refugees fleeing from the Separatist forces there. The Separatists, however, stationed snipers along the main route from Garnik to Drelliad who fired on any non-separatist traveling along it, civilian and soldier alike. In an effort to retake the route Vray offered a week's salary to anyone who could defeat a number of the snipers.

Vray's offer was taken up by a Republic individual who was informed of the pay available by Private Wesner, a soldier attacking Drelliad. The individual then killed at least three of the snipers on the route and other Separatists guarding them. When they reached Garnik, Vray thanked them for clearing the route and paid them the promised amount, which came to 50 credits as well as a pair of minor medpacs and a stimulant.


Whilst at Fort Garnik Vray wore blue armor with four ammo pockets on the chest and a pair of beige pants with knee boots. He was armed with a pistol which he kept attached to his belt at the hip.

Behind the scenes

Vray is a non-player character from the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, released by BioWare in 2011.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide



