Watto's chance cube was the personal chance cube owned by the Toydarian junk dealer, Watto. With three sides colored blue and the other three red, the cube could only provide two possible results when thrown. Due to Watto's love of gambling, the die saw much use and its colors were faded and edges worn smooth.
In 32 BBY, the cube played a major role in deciding the fate of the enslaved human boy, Anakin Skywalker. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn wanted to take Anakin away to be trained as a Jedi due to him being highly Force-sensitive. Watto used his chance cube to decide whether to gamble his ownership of the boy or his mother—blue for Anakin or red for Shmi. Not knowing he was a Jedi, Watto did not realize that Jinn used the Force to ensure the die landed on blue, ultimately ensuring Anakin would be freed after later winning the Boonta Eve Classic.
- Star Wars 100 Objects