The White Plague, also named the "Weeping Pox" by Luke Skywalker, was an illusory disease that was created by the Fallanassi and spread throughout the Almanian system moon Pydyr in 44 ABY, after the arrival of the dark side entity Abeloth. As Force users, the Fallanassi succumbed to Abeloth's influence and were able to conjure the illusion by manipulating the White Current, leading all beings who were not immersed in the Current to believe in the existence of the plague's symptoms on their bodies, which suffered from illusory rashes.
The inhabitants of Pydyr were unable to find any cure or explanation regarding the plague, prompting them to quarantine the entire moon by restricting all outgoing traffic and warning all incoming traffic away. The White Plague also created an atmosphere of fear on Pydyr that Abeloth fed on in order to replenish her strength, with the terror of Pydyr's inhabitants being concentrated in a molten pit in the gathering hall of the hidden Fallanassi village. The illusions ceased upon Abeloth's defeat and subsequent escape from Pydyr.