Winama Naberrie

Winama Naberrie was a female weaver who lived on the planet Naboo. In 77 BBY, she gave birth to the Human male Ruwee Naberrie, who later married a woman named Jobal following machinations of Winama and Jobal's mother Ryoo Thule, although the two mothers were both surprised by the successful romance.

In 46 BBY, Jobal gave birth to a daughter, Padmé Naberrie, who would later live with Winama in Naboo's capital Theed. Padmé became close with her grandmother, although she was often confused by the sayings her grandmother would offer. Winama passed away in 33 BBY, and Padmé, who had been elected as Queen Amidala of Naboo, wished she could still speak to her while dealing with the Invasion of Naboo in the following year. With Amidala's wedding to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Winama became connected to the most famous family in the galaxy.


Ruwee Naberrie, Winama's son

Ruwee Naberrie, Winama's son

Winama Naberrie was a female member of House Naberrie who worked as a cloth weaver on the Mid Rim planet Naboo. Records of her birthdate and the identity of her spouse were lost or deliberately obscured at some point in time. The weaver had multiple children and, in 77 BBY, gave birth to the Human male Ruwee Naberrie in a mountain village not far from Naboo's capital city Theed, where Winama would later live and work.

She upheld the Naberrie family's values of generosity and compassion while raising her children, which affected Ruwee heavily and led to him joining the Refugee Relief Movement at the age of ten to help the less fortunate off-world. Later, Winama conspired with her good friend Ryoo Thule to have Ruwee marry Thule's daughter, Jobal. Ruwee met Jobal on his return to Naboo and married her in 51 BBY, with their genuine romance surprising both Winama and Ryoo.

Ruwee and Jobal spent their early married years in a village they helped build in Naboo's mountains in contrast to Winama's preference for city life. They had two children, Sola, born in 50 BBY, and Padmé, born in 46 BBY. Padmé scored extremely highly on aptitude tests, causing Ruwee and Jobal to relocate to Theed to broaden their daughters' opportunities. During Padmé's education, she lived with Winama for a time in Theed, and the two became close, with Winama inspiring her granddaughter with the belief that she could achieve anything. Winama would often provide sayings to Padmé that puzzled her to the point that she grew impatient. One such saying compared fate to a tangle and stated that individuals could only follow a single thread.

Death and legacy

Padmé Amidala (pictured) thought about one of her grandmother's sayings while on Tatooine.

Padmé Amidala (pictured) thought about one of her grandmother's sayings while on Tatooine.

Winama passed away in 33 BBY, and Padmé missed her greatly. She was elected Queen of Naboo, taking the formal name of Queen Amidala, and the following year was faced with a planetary invasion by the Trade Federation. After escaping Naboo and arriving on the planet Tatooine, Amidala thought of Winama's saying about fate while walking to the home of Anakin Skywalker, a slave boy she had just met. She later reflected on her relationship with her grandmother in her journal and wished she could talk with her to acknowledge her increasing understanding of the saying. However, Amidala also believed that she could not have bore the thought of Winama interned in a Trade Federation prison camp as her parents had been.

Amidala later married Skywalker, who had become a Jedi, in 22 BBY, posthumously connecting Winama to what would become the most famous family in galactic history. Amidala gave birth to twins, Luke and Leia, in 19 BBY, but she died immediately afterwards. Naboo funeral customs placed grandmothers in charge of dressing the body in preparation for its final journey, and Thule fulfilled that role given Naberrie's passing.

In approximately 18 BBY, the Imperial Inquisitor Malorum investigated Amidala's death. He learned about Naboo's funeral customs and harassed a manager at the Naboo Essentials Provider into revealing the names of Amidala's grandmothers. When Malorum asked for their addresses, the manager informed him that Naberrie had passed away and only revealed Thule's residential area after being threatened. On the day that Malorum found Thule, she had been reminiscing about Winama and their successful ploy to marry Ruwee and Jobal.

Personality and traits

Winama Naberrie exhibited the values of generosity and compassion that were important to her family, passing those values on to her son. Unlike her son, she had a preference for living in cities, and like Padmé, she loved living in Theed. Winama had a close and special bond with her granddaughter Padmé, who appreciated her humor and the feeling that she could achieve anything. Winama made a habit of giving sayings that perplexed her granddaughter, who grew impatient in trying to understand their meaning. Winama could tell that Padmé was internally trying to understand what her sayings meant.

Skills and abilities

Winama Naberrie was regarded as one of the best cloth weavers in Theed.

Behind the scenes

Winama was first mentioned in Star Wars Episode I Journal: Queen Amidala, a 1999 young readers novel by Jude Watson. Her full name of Winama Naberrie was first used in 2004 in the 140th issue of De Agostini's The Official Star Wars Fact File magazine.


  • The Official Star Wars Fact File90
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File140
  • Star Wars Annual 2009
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia






