Wind drum

Wind drums were ancient ritual musical instruments once used by the Grans, a three-eyed, goat-faced species from the planet of Kinyen. Such drums performed a ceremonial function at some point during the Draggulch Period, while the Gran society went through a spiritual era. The Gran Baskol Yeesrim, who represented the world of Malastare in the Senate of the Galactic Republic around 32 BBY, once offered his colleague Palpatine of Naboo one such relic. That particular wind drum was a barrel-shaped object decorated with stylized flowery motifs, and was at least one millennium old at the time. It was displayed in the reception room of the Nabooian politician's apartment suite on Coruscant, capital of the Galactic Republic.

Behind the scenes

A Gran wind drum first appeared in the 1999 movie Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installement of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, as a background prop on the set of Palpatine's apartement. Its in-universe origins were revealed in later sources, including the thirty-second issue of The Official Star Wars Fact File, and the wind drum was mentioned in the 2012 novel Darth Plagueis.

Non-canon appearances

  • Star Wars: Tiny Death Star







