Wookieepedia:Featured article reviews

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A release date for the audio drama should be included. Lewisr (talk) 01:31, 11 July 2024 (UTC)

Dorjander Kace

  • :
  • : 00:20, 31 May 2024 (UTC)


  • Family fields/pronouns/gender update.
  • I'd like to see some BBY dates tucked into that intro.
  • Images mostly all need to be sized up for current skin.
  • Biography: Almost all of the paragraphs are too chunky in the modern skin. These need to be summarily broken up quite a lot, and then split into further subsections per modern standard.
  • Once the above is done, the relevant quotes and images should populate in.
  • Equipment to be properly documented in its own section.
  • BtS will need some modernization, including explicitly noting the first appearance and its full release date. 00:20, 31 May 2024 (UTC)


Shannon Voorson

  • :
  • : 19:45, 6 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Is that birth year directly citable to the Adventure Journal or does it need an explanatory note saying it's X number of years prior to it etc.? Same thing with the main year presented; to be verified if its in the text itself.
  • Pronouns/gender update.
  • I see a redlink.
  • More sectioning needed (and then quotes/images to thus populate) to modern standard of 2-3 paragraphs per section. Images to be placed below quotes.
  • Equipment (including clothing) to be sectioned out, as well as skills in its own section.
  • Unsourced BtS which also needs release year and month. Also needs illustrator info.


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. 02:47, 6 July 2024 (UTC)

Antares Draco


  • The background on the infobox image to be removed.
  • Any reason a skin colour isn't listed?
  • Family fields need clearing out.
  • The bio and PT sections need more sectionings.
  • Redlink in the "Redemption" section of the bio.
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • Redundant archivedates to be removed.
  • BTS needs to be cleared up to remove redundant information, a full release date for the 0 issue and other issues mentioned in the section.
  • Category:Series, story arcs or collections listed in Legends Appearances needs to be addressed. Lewisr (talk) 04:11, 15 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. 02:56, 15 July 2024 (UTC)




  • Marked as on probation at one month unaddressed. 00:11, 18 July 2024 (UTC)

Ton Phanan

  • :
  • : 02:30, 20 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Would like to see some BBY dates tucked in the intro.
  • Seems like a slight bit of underlinking and undercontexting (see first sentence, not mentioned to be a planet); this is present throughout, not just the one example.
  • Article to be stubbed and worked in for his parents.
  • Some of the date references should be properly expanded on rather than direct to TERC.
  • There's some double-referencing used that should be referenced instead to individual sentence portions.
  • Some subject-linked imagery can populate throughout.
  • Every biography subsection except for the first one should have its paragraphs split up a bit for the modern skin; this will likely result in most of those becoming two sections instead of one, and quotes to match.
  • PT section can also use the same love with splitting paragraphs.
  • Skills section to be added.
  • If X-Wing: Iron Fist is being mentioned in the BtS it should be contextualized (year, etc, and such).
  • Pronouns/family update. 02:30, 20 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:02, 20 July 2024 (UTC)

Marja Lang

  • :
  • : 02:43, 20 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Pronoun/family fields update.
  • Should have Equipment and Skills sectioned out.
  • Ideally we'll see some Biography sectioning and some images can be populated from subject-relevant things.
  • Date to have an additional ref note for explaining the calculation.
  • BtS sourcing. 02:43, 20 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:02, 20 July 2024 (UTC)

Margo Flarestream

  • :
  • : 22:30, 21 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Pronouns/family field update.
  • Biography can use sectioning under modern standard and also be populated with subject-linked images.
  • Needs a firm copy-edit for formal tone expected in modern status articles (reads more conversation-like at the moment) and things like numbers under 100 to be written fully out per policy.
  • Requires skills and equipment to be sectioned out.
  • Unsourced BtS. 22:30, 21 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:02, 21 July 2024 (UTC)

Cesi Eirriss


  • Death field in the infobox should follow the precedent of including the year annd location in a note if not directly citable to a source.
  • Commenor system is only mentioned in the infobox, so needs to find a way to include or pipelink in the body.
  • Context for Commenor in the intro, and context for Yavin Prime/Alderaan/Luke Skywalker in the body needed.
  • The first sentence of the biography should reference better and not stick the references at the end of the sentence. And the same with the last sentence in the death section.
  • Missing an equipment section, and possibly a skills section if anything of note.
  • The BTS needs to be cleared up to remove redundant information such as repeating what's currently in the apps/sources sections. Lewisr (talk) 04:46, 23 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:01, 23 July 2024 (UTC)

Bria Tharen


  • The birth and death fields in the infobox should follow the modern precedent of including the date and location in a note if not citable directly to a source.
  • There's a lot of contexts missing for locations etc.
  • The biography could use more sectionings, and within the personality and traits section.
  • There's room for more images.
  • The page appears to be missing IU mentions in things like The Essential Chronology and The New Essential Chronology.
  • Regarding IU mentions, are none of the stories set post Rebel Dawn where she is mentioned/referenced notable to be included in the biopgrahy as a legacy?
  • The BTS doesn't need to include mention of her appearance in Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika. And is missing dates and context Insider 117, the two OT films, and the radio drama. Lewisr (talk) 01:16, 24 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:01, 24 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Eye color and height appears to be infobox exclusive.
  • Family fields to be cleared out.
  • There's a lot of contexts missing for locations/vehicles etc.
  • The biography could use more sectionings.
  • With the above, it might be possible to add some more images.
  • The ABY dates need to be determined if they are citable to the books currently cited, and if not then a source added.
  • Some of the personality/traits section looks to be better suited for an equipment section, and some in an a skills/abilities section (though both new sections will also need more added to them).
  • The BTS needs to be cleared up to remove some redundant information (including repeating what can be gleamed from the apps/sources list) and to also provide full release dates for Hero's Trial, Jedi Eclipse, and Balance Point since all released in 2000. Lewisr (talk) 03:15, 25 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:00, 25 July 2024 (UTC)

Adari Vaal


  • The death field should include the date and location in a note as per precedent.
  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • Family fields need to be filled in/cleared out.
  • The paragraps throughout from the intro to the PT are in real need of being split up further and more sectionings as a result in the body.
  • The above would give room for some more images as well.
  • Will need an equipment section, and anything of note to be included in a skills/abilities section.
  • The BTS needs to be cleared up to remove redundant information, but also needs to include ful release dates for Precipice and Skyborn as both are released in 2009. Lewisr (talk) 01:11, 27 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:02, 27 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • Is the BBY date citable to the audio drama or does it need another source?
  • Kessel appears to be missing context.
  • There's a few dup links to be removed throughout the page.
  • The final paragraph in the "Return to Ambria" section looks like it could benefit from being split up so the section has 3 nice even sized paragraphs.
  • Needs an equipment section.
  • The BTS needs to sourced and cleared up of redundant information, also needs to include release dates for the various mentioned sources. Lewisr (talk) 01:28, 27 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:02, 27 July 2024 (UTC)

Jon Antilles


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • Not possible to get any form of color for skin?
  • Would like to see a date in the intro.
  • The "Mission to Queyta" section in the biography looks like it should sectioned.
  • The images besides the one of the Dark Woman should be increased in size.
  • The paragraphs in the personality and traits section should be reworked into either 2 or 3 paras instead of 4.
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS missing a release date for the comic and an illustrator.
  • Is the last paragraph of the BTS really needed? Unsure of the relevance for this page in particular Lewisr (talk) 00:35, 28 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:24, 28 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Made the images larger (except the Dark Woman one per the request) Loki-Is-Cool 12:03, 29 July 2024 (UTC)

Unidentified clone trooper (Brentaal IV)


  • Per precedent the death and date should be included in a note in the death field.
  • Needs a pronouns update.
  • Brentaal IV could use context in the intro.
  • The biography would benefit from sectioning.
  • Needs an equipment section.
  • Is there anything of note for a skills/abilities section?
  • The release date for the comic needs another source as it's not citable to the comic itself. Lewisr (talk) 01:07, 28 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:25, 28 July 2024 (UTC)

Nax Cirvan


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update and fily fields cleared out.
  • Could the introduction be split?
  • Rullag needs context.
  • The "Service to the Empire" section should be sectioned, and there's enough room for another image.
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS needs to be brought to modern standards, just mentioning his first appearance in the 4th issue, with a full release date.
  • I think the part about Cirvan's species depiction mentioned in the BTS might be better suited including in the PT section. Lewisr (talk) 00:20, 29 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:03, 29 July 2024 (UTC)

Cato Parasitti/Legends


  • Zolan, Coruscant, Tatooine in the intro need context, Devaron in the body needs context.
  • The "The Jedi Temple job" section in the biography could use sectioning.
  • BTS could use a cleanup to remove redundant mentions of other sources Cato is mentioned in and other appearances she made
  • The Art of TCW book requires a full release date.
  • Full release date needed for the Lego Star Wars game and Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Head-to-Head (as well as context) since both were 2011 releases. Lewisr (talk) 00:37, 29 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:03, 29 July 2024 (UTC)

Ashaar Khorda


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update and the family fields cleared out.
  • Any reason the skin color hasn't been added?
  • Hair and eye color is infobox exclusive.
  • The group/organization that Khorda runs is notable enough to be given a page.
  • Seylott (the location) needs context.
  • The biography should be sectioned and the images increased in size.
  • The links included in the image captions need to be removed.
  • Missing an equipment section, and potentially a skills/abilities section if anything of note.
  • The BTS needs to be cleared up to modern standards, needs a full release date for the Jango Fett one-shot. Lewisr (talk) 00:22, 30 June 2024 (UTC)


  • Marked as on probation at 1 month unaddressed. Lewisr (talk) 00:05, 30 July 2024 (UTC)

Unda Lagor


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, as well as family fields being cleared out.
  • Biography should be sectioned and an a subject relevant image added (probably room for 2 with the sectioning).
  • Anything that can be included in a skills/abilities section?
  • BTS to be modernised, sourced, and some release dates added. Lewisr (talk) 02:03, 1 July 2024 (UTC)

Afsheen Makati


  • The date note regarding Afsheen's death looks like it could really be cleaned up to explain how thre c. 5 ABY date is reached.
  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • Hair and eye color infobox exclusive.
  • Any reason why the skin color wasn't added?
  • Steadfast redirect to be fixed.
  • Multiple contexts missing throughout the intro and body for locations.
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS could be cleaned up to remove some redundant wording and information. Various release dates missing from sources mentioned.
  • Should note the characters mention in an in-universe sourceLewisr (talk) 00:49, 2 July 2024 (UTC)

Xenon Nnaksta


  • Needs a gender/pronouns update.
  • Biography could use more sectioning.
  • Biography also has room for more images.
  • I noticed a few missing links, so a sweep through to link anything possible should be done.
  • Several dup links to also remove.
  • Various contexts missing for locations throughout.
  • Anyway to include "Gundark" in prose? Otherwise the character should have some context in the caption.
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS should be cleared up to remove redundant information. Lewisr (talk) 01:00, 2 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • The referencing needs to be updated to reflect the sourcing policy regarding citing by page numbers.
  • The intro could use restructuring to maybe 3 similar sized paragraphs?
  • The biography needs more sectioning, and will have room for some more images.
  • There's a few dup links to be removed.
  • Some information from the personality/traits section would be better placed in a skills/abilities and an equipment section.
  • The BTS should be looked at to see if there's anything trimmable, and if not then could use maybe splitting into 3 paras, I think an image (of one of the creators involved or an image of the source materials cover) should be added also. Lewisr (talk) 00:31, 3 July 2024 (UTC)

Amber Comark


  • The date note for Amber's birth is complete speculation and therefore should be removed.
  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • Comark family should be moved to the families field.
  • Some of the biography sections could use an image, and I also think the PT section use one.
  • I think some of the biography sections could also benefit from splitting up their paragraphs as they pretty large in some cases.
  • Coruscant could use context.
  • Anything that can be included in an skills/abilities section.
  • The BTS needs to be cleaned up to modern standards, sourced, etc (I'm not sure what the purpose of the second sentence is exactly). Lewisr (talk) 00:56, 3 July 2024 (UTC)

Jaska (Mandalorian Knight)


  • Needs a gender/pronouns update, as well as family fields being cleared out.
  • The paragraphs in the biography are really big throughout and I think it would benefit from splitting more and including more sections.
  • With the above, more images could be added.
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • The BTS needs to be cleaned upto to modern standards (just mentioning the first app and then the first identification), no need to mention how log the series ran for. Lewisr (talk) 00:49, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Chopper (clone trooper)/Legends


  • Needs a pronouns update.
  • Per the layout guide 'The "Affiliations" field of infoboxes shall list sub-bullets to a maximum depth of one.'
  • The hair color is infobox exclusive.
  • Biography needs to be sectioned.
  • Geonosis needs context.
  • The BBY date should just use a written note instead of double citing.
  • Some of the information in the personality/traits should be moved into a skills/abilities section.
  • The equipment section should include the armor Chopper wears.
  • Is there anyway to include the comments from Filoni in prose?



  • The death field should follow the precedent of including date and location in a written note if not cited directly to a source.
  • That CT-914 is a male should be directly stated in the body somewhere.
  • Needs a pronouns update.
  • Gender link on pronoun should be removed.
  • Biography should be sectioned and more images added.
  • Anything that can be included in skills/abilities and/or an equipment section?
  • BTS needs to be cleaned up to remove redundant information about later sources that mention the trooper. Lewisr (talk) 00:37, 5 July 2024 (UTC)

Kina Margath


  • Needs a gender/pronouns update.
  • Avarice could use context in the intro.
  • Biography should be sectioned and some subject relevant images added.
  • The date note used in the biography should be cleaned up to modern standards.
  • I'd like to have it confirmed the ABY dates are citable to sources cited?
  • Some of the personality/traits info would be better suited in a skills/abilities section (plus anything else of note added).
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS needs to be cleaned up to remove redundant information about later mentions of Kina, what does remain of it needs to be sourced. Lewisr (talk) 00:58, 5 July 2024 (UTC)

Zafiel Snopps


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, and family fields to be filled in/cleared out.
  • Family fields to be cleared up.
  • The body and BTS would probably benefit from some relevant images being added.
  • Raithal could use context.
  • Biography could use sectioning.
  • Some of the information in the personality/traits section would be better split off into equipment and skills/abilities section.
  • Full release dates for The Best of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issues 1-4 and Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook should be provided since both released in the same year.
  • Regarding the BTS, if there's no way to maybe try condense the section to 3 paragraphs by way of any cuttings, then it should be sectioned. Lewisr (talk) 00:39, 7 July 2024 (UTC)

Hurst Romodi/Legends


  • Just inquiring about quotes, are there none at all, or not even any relevant ones that could be added?
  • Are the Planetary Security Forces for the Lambda sector notable enough for their own page?
  • Various contexts for locations missing throughout the intro and body.
  • Does the cited source indicate that Romodi was born 'during the final decades of the Galactic Republic'?
  • Is there room for anymore images? I think the current ones should be made bigger as well.
  • Anything of note to add into a skills/abilities section?
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS should include a year for the ANH novelization's release, but otherwise could use a general cleanup to modern standards. Lewisr (talk) 00:52, 7 July 2024 (UTC)

Bhindi Drayson


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, and the family fields filled in/cleared out.
  • Any reason the skin color wasn't added?
  • Hair and eye color are infobox exclusive.
  • The ABY dates throughout the body need to be cited to a source.
  • The body needs to be sectioned and more images added.
  • Caption links in images to be removed.
  • The caption for the image in the personality/traits should be made relevant to the section or the image replaced with something more relevant.
  • Missing a skills/abilities and equipment sections.
  • BTS to be cleaned up, sourced, and redundant information about later mentions/appearances removed. Release dates for Rebel Dream and The Essential Reader's Companion need to be added. And if we know the illustrator of Bhindi's image in that, then that should be added as well. Lewisr (talk) 01:03, 7 July 2024 (UTC)

Skirmish at Vanqor/Legends


  • Per the layout guide, any events not mentioned in the body need to be removed from the infobox.
  • Various forces and the number of forces are infobox exclusive.
  • A few violations of manual of style linking policy to be addressed.
  • "The operation" section should be sectioned, and room for at least 1 more image.
  • The BTS needs to provide the author, illustrator, and release date for the comic.
  • Unless there's information to mean it's necessary to mention the TCW in the BTS section then it can be removed. Lewisr (talk) 00:48, 8 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Is Korus just living on Empress Teta or is actually stated to be the homeworld?
  • The death location should be changed to the planet instead of a location on it.
  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • Eye color is infobox exclusive.
  • The cite for the The Freedon Nadd Uprising arc needs to be changed to specify the issue(s).
  • Various locations missing contexts.
  • Anything that can be included in a skills/abilities section?
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS needs to be sourced and include release dates for the comic and audio drama, otherwise could use a general cleanup. Lewisr (talk) 01:03, 8 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Various contexts for locations missing in the description/history.
  • The history should be sectioned.
  • With the above, some more images can be added.
  • Unsourced BTS to be cleaned up and sourced. Lewisr (talk) 00:44, 9 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Generally enquiring regarding the source for this, does Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia state Broadside is a male? Or should it be changed to something else?
  • Needs a pronouns update.
  • Affiliations field needs to be updated to reflect the layout guide.
  • I think the intro could be split.
  • Kamino being Broadside's homeworld and that he was created there (as standard with clone trooper articles) needs to be included in the biography.
  • The images can be increased in size.
  • Ryndellia needs context.
  • The caption for the image in the personality/traits section should be made more relevant to the section or change the image to something suitable.
  • Some of the PT section should be split off into skills/abilities and equipment sections (as well as any other information of note adding).
  • The Procedure comic and TCW episode need full cited release dates. Lewisr (talk) 00:56, 9 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • Skin color is infobox exclusive.
  • I think the intro could be split into two paragraphs.
  • Anything that can be included in a powers/abilities section?
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • The BTS should be cleaned upto modern standards regarding comic appearances, and a full release date for the issue Shayoto appears in.

A release date for the audio drama should be included. Lewisr (talk) 01:31, 11 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, as well as the family fields being cleared out.
  • The "A disturbance" section in the biography should be sectioned, and another image added.
  • The page for the comic says this story took place in 21 BBY, if this is accurate then that should be added onto the page.
  • Context for Moorja needed.
  • Anything that can be included in a skills/abilities section?
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS to be cleaned up and sourced. Lewisr (talk) 01:49, 11 July 2024 (UTC)



  • The BBY dates needs to be cited to a source. The one in the infobox should be included in a note if not directly citable to another source.
  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, and family fields to be cleared.
  • I think the intro could be split into 2 paragraphs.
  • The biography needs to be sectioned, will have room for more images and quotes.
  • Is 'Dessel eventually became Darth Bane, one of the most important and influential Dark Lords of the Sith in galactic history' really citable to Path of Destruction?
  • Alaris Prime needs context.
  • Missing a skills/abilities section and an equipment section.
  • BTS needs to cut the second sentence as it's redundant. Lewisr (talk) 00:37, 12 July 2024 (UTC)

Alfonso Luiz Obota


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, as well as the family fields being cleared out.
  • Any reason the skin color wasn't added?
  • I think the biography could use a restructure in terms of its sectioning, the first paragraph should not be by itself and can be worked into the first section. And the "Scam" section should be sectioned further.
  • There's room for new images in the body.
  • Anything that can be included in a skills/abilities section?
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS needs to include a release date for the audio adaptation. Lewisr (talk) 00:47, 12 July 2024 (UTC)

Shandy Fanaso


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • The story page has a date which, if accurate, would be worth implementing somewhere in the intro and body.
  • The body needs to be sectioned further, and more subject relevant images added.
  • Various contexts for locations missing.
  • Anything that can be included in a skills/abilities section?
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS needs to be cleaned up and sourced. Lewisr (talk) 00:47, 13 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Needs a gender/pronouns update.
  • Hair color is infobox exclusive.
  • Per the layout guide 'The "Affiliations" field of infoboxes shall list sub-bullets to a maximum depth of one.'
  • Contexts missing for various locations throughout the body and intro.
  • The biography and personality/traits section could use more images.
  • A number of the paragraphs in the biography could use splitting into smaller ones.
  • Anything that can be included in skills/abilities and an equipment section?
  • BTS needs to be cleaned up and removal of redundant information about later sources and about the character's arc. What remains needs to be sourced. Lewisr (talk) 01:17, 13 July 2024 (UTC)

Goethar Kleej


  • Eye and hair color are infobox exclusive.
  • Family fields to be filled in/cleared out.
  • I the intro should be split into two paragraphs.
  • Mentions of slavers and slave to be changed per recent precedent.
  • Link in the quote caption to be removed.
  • The biography should be sectioned and some of the preexisting paragraphs should also be split.
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS needs to be cleaned up to remove some redundant and needs to provide a full cited release date for the comic. Lewisr (talk) 00:47, 14 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Eye color is infobox exclusive.
  • Any reason the skin color wasn't added?
  • Family fields to be cleared out.
  • Aduba-3 could use context in the intro.
  • I'd recommend doing a sweep through to ensure everything that can be linked is.
  • "Bringer of the Sacred Way" section use a relevant image.
  • Anything that can be included in a skills/abilities section?
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS needs to be cleaned upto modern standards. What remains needs to be sourced. Lewisr (talk) 01:09, 14 July 2024 (UTC)

Yeeru Chivkyrie


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, and family fields to be cleared out.
  • Biography needs to be sectioned and some images added.
  • Is the ABY date used in the book, the book's page states that another source dates its events so I'd like to see that investigated and sourced if necessary.
  • Anything that can be included in a skills/abilitie and equipment sections?
  • BTS needs to remove some redundant information per modern standards of BTS and be fully sourced. Lewisr (talk) 01:04, 15 July 2024 (UTC)

Nera Dantels


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, as well as the family fields clearing out.
  • Hair and eye color are infobox exclusive.
  • I'm going to enquire about the top quote and ask if there's another one that isn't really centered on how Nera looks that could be put there instead.
  • Various locations throughout the intro and body are missing contexts.
  • A couple of the sections in the biography would benefit from being subsectioned.
  • Some of the body images could be increased in size.
  • The caption for several of the images in the body could use some minor expansion to give some more relevance for inclusion.
  • Redirect to be fixed.
  • Some of the personality/traits section would be better served in a skills/abilities (as well as including anything else of note).
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • The BTS needs to be cleaned up to remove redundant mentions of later sources/appearances Nera was in. from what I see the only ones that need to be mentioned are the first appearance and the issue that identified Nera's first name. Lewisr (talk) 01:24, 15 July 2024 (UTC)

Sarn Shild


  • Death field should follow precedent of including date and location in a note if not directly citeable to a source.
  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • I think the intro could be split into two paragraphs.
  • The biography should be sectioned, and more images added.
  • Rampa 2 missing context.
  • Use of slave to be changed per modern precedent.
  • Is the mention in The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse notable in anyway to be included in the biography (even if in a legacy section)?
  • The personality traits section should be split into two paragraphs.
  • Anything that can be included in skills/abilities and/or equipment sections?
  • If mentioned in The New Essential Chronology, the characters in-universe mention should be included.
  • BTS needs to be cleaned up to remove redundant information about later sources Sarn was mentioned in. Lewisr (talk) 01:12, 16 July 2024 (UTC)

Taking of Kuat


  • Per the layout guide, any events not mentioned in the body need to be removed from the infobox.
  • The casualties field for the New Republic side is a little confusing, either should be changed to what was lost instead of what wasn't.
  • The battle section could use a subject relevant issue.
  • Aftermath section can be split into two paragraphs.
  • Needs to include its in-universe mention.
  • The BTS needs to be cleaned up to remove redundant mentions of later sources the battle was mentioned in unless relevant to other BTS information.
  • If room still after the clean up, an image of maybe one of the book covers could be included. Lewisr (talk) 00:50, 18 July 2024 (UTC)

Boz (Lizling)


  • If Boz has the criminal infobox would Category:Criminals be a fair addition?
  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, and family fields to be cleared out.
  • Biography needs to be sectioned and more images added.
  • Anything that could be included in a skills/abilities section?
  • BTS needs to be cleaned up to remove redundant mentions of later appearances/sources. What remains needs to be sourced. Lewisr (talk) 00:31, 20 July 2024 (UTC)



  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, and family fields to be cleared out.
  • Uses of slave to be changed per modern precedent.
  • I think the biography could be sectioned as the paragraphs are a bit big.
  • Missing an equipment (which could use some of the stuff in the skills/abilities section).
  • BTS could use a cleanup to remove redundant information. What remains needs to be sourced. Lewisr (talk) 00:26, 21 July 2024 (UTC)

Mee Deechi/Legends (second review)


  • Death field should follow precedent of including the date and location in a note if not directly citable to a source.
  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, and the family fields to be cleared out.
  • Not really seeing a need to include mention of the Empire so would like to see that just changed to during the Republic Era or similar.
  • Various contexts for locations missing.
  • The biography sections would benefit from some subsectioning.
  • Think some more images could be added too.
  • Some of the information in the personality/traits should be split off into a skills/abilities and equipment section.
  • BTS doesn't need to mention the second episode Mee was in, but does need to use a source for the airdate of the first episode since it isn't citable to the episode itself.
  • Could the BTS have a quote from the deleted scene? Lewisr (talk) 01:53, 22 July 2024 (UTC)

Ravilan Wroth


  • Needs a pronouns/gender update, and family fields to be cleared out.
  • The biography in terms of structure is a bit all over the place. I think it needs serious work in being restructured and sectioned.
  • More images that are subject relevant can be added.
  • Is there a way to make the personality/traits section into 3 paragraphs or should it be sectioned?
  • Missing an equipment section.
  • BTS needs to be cleaned up to remove redundant mentions of later appearances/mentions. But the Pantheon book does need to be mentioned to note the name identification and given a release year. Lewisr (talk) 00:17, 23 July 2024 (UTC)

Ronderu lij Kummar


  • A date for Ronderu's death (even if by [year]) in the infobox should be added, and into the body.
  • Eye, skin, and hair color are all infobox exclusive. And so is Grievous's family/Legends.
  • I think some mention of Kalee being a planet should be made earlier in the biography, ideally at the first mention.
  • Room for at least one more image in the biography.
  • Missing skills/abilities and equipment sections.
  • The insider issue should have a full release date. The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War should also have a full release date since it was released in the same year. I think there's also room for an image of Abel G. Peña. Lewisr (talk) 00:20, 25 July 2024 (UTC)

Sheeka Tull


  • The BBY dates need to sourced to another source since it isn't citable directly to the book, and therefore will require notes for the various mentioned dates.
  • Needs a pronouns/gender update.
  • Judging by the page the partners field needs a couple of individuals added.
  • Various contexts for locations missing.
  • Biography could use more sectioning/subsectioning.
  • Biography could also use more subject relevant images.
  • The relationships section seems to be something to put under the personality/traits.
  • Anything that can be included in skills/abilities or equipment sections?
  • BTS can remove the CSWE mention but source the first sentence about being in the novel and needs to include a release year. Lewisr (talk) 01:01, 28 July 2024 (UTC)
