World of Fire!

World of Fire! tells the story of Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Mici Shabandar in the process of stealing an experimental ship from the Galactic Empire, known as the Staraker. After almost escaping, they are shot down in the Alashan system and crash-land in a lava field on the planet Alashan.

Plot summary

Two Rebels, Wadie Firestone and Arlo Tyre, arrive on Alashan to investigate a Rebel archeological research site that had lost contact. Upon searching, they found dead bodies and proceeded to enter a cave. Arlo was immediately cut in two by a laser. Wadie got in his Y-Wing and attempted to leave. However, he was blown out of the sky.

Meanwhile, Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Mici Shabandar had gone to the planet Foundry to steal the Staraker. However, they were discovered and a firefight broke out with stormtrooper. They managed to make it to the Staraker, but Leia was wounded when she was shot. With Luke piloting, Mici carried Leia aboard and they took off.

Leia has time to recover, and they head to Yavin 4. On route, General Jan Dodonna contacts them and asks them to head to Alashan. He informs them that both the archeological team and the Rebel scouts had lost contact. Upon arriving in the system, they are attacked by a squadron of TIE fighters. They manage to destroy the TIEs but an Imperial cruiser is between them and a quick getaway. Just then a beam of energy lances upwards from Alashan, completely destroying the cruiser.

The Staraker is then attacked and they attempt to land on the planet. However, a panel explodes, badly wounding Mici. Luke is having trouble controlling the descent, but then he receives a vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who tells him to trust the Force. Leia finds Mici and attempts to care for her, while Luke tries to get planetside. However, the hatch will not open because lava from the planet has formed around it. Luke cries out "We're buried alive!"


  • Star Wars 2: World of Fire
  • Star Wars Omnibus: Wild Space Volume 1
  • Star Wars: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 3
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Original Marvel Years Vol. 2
  • Star Wars: The Marvel UK Collection Omnibus















