X (droid)


Created by the Kyrotech Corporate Combine by the time of the Galactic Civil War, X was a Kyrotech Blademaster X-260 battle droid who ended up gathering dust in his manufacturer's warehouse. At some point, a spaceport worker discovered the droid and, seeing X as a way to earn easy credits, put him up for sale on the black market. X was soon purchased by Zhen Mirat, the leader of the Fatal Visionaries pirate gang. Mirat then reprogrammed the droid for his own use.

At one point, a group of Rebel Alliance agents rescued the Fatal Visionaries' member and former free-trader Vazan Felix's wife Cyra and daughter Tine, whom Mirat had been holding hostage as leverage against Felix. Subsequently, the agents confronted the pirate gang, and during that encounter, the Rebels discovered X's weakness posed by his programmed inability to act against the interests of the Kyrotech Corporate Combine.


X had a slim and graceful fully-articulated humaniform build that stood 1.9 meters tall. He had a polished chrome plating and optical sensors that glowed in a deep fluorescent green color. In combat situations, X killed his enemies efficiently, gracefully, and with minimal effort. The droid's sub-programming disallowed him from acting against the interests of his manufacturer, which posed a potential weakness that his enemies could exploit in combat against him. X had little self-awareness, although like other battle droids, he had a potential for developing a personality over time.


X was equipped with a sonar and a comlink but did not have any built-in speech functionality. He wielded a blaster pistol, a magnablade propellor, and a vibroblade, and he could magnetically attach his weaponry to his outer casing where it was instantly accessible.

Behind the scenes

X was mentioned in "Iron Hands, Captive Hearts," a roleplaying source article written by Joe Littrell for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and published in the sixty-eighth issue of the Polyhedron magazine in February 1992. This article assumes that as many as possible of the adventure seeds presented in the article play out as described.

